I am Les Miserables
“Life's great happiness is to be convinced we are loved.”
So I didn't really READ the book per-se. I read the condensed version my teacher gave us for our reading assignment in High school. Now, even if certain parts were missed, I loved the story. As dark and depressing as it was, I absolutely loved it and felt the emotions and the injustice that happened to Jean Val Jean very severely. {Over-acting but you get the gist}
I was planning to read the book but for some
Falling in love with the book was one thing. Falling in love with the songs is another.
The songs in the musical are so beautiful and very emotional. Passion and conviction is needed to play these parts well. So finding the right actors/singers is crucial.They can have the most beautiful voice but if the song doesn't really speak with you it's not that memorable.
So when I heard Lea Salonga sing On My Own. {NOTE: You might not get my excitement and my love for the songs if you don't know the story}
I was just amazed. It brings vibrancy to the story. There's also a version for the one cast as Eponine for the latest version of the Film-Musical Les Misarables. And she's actually really good, her voice and the way she sang it was {for me} actually better than Lea's. But I liked Lea more because, I just think the song connected with me more when she sang it.
I actually got teary-eyed when I heard this. The performance, the voices especially Alfie Boe's, was beyond amazing. I actually listened to this on repeat for more than 30x.
So I'm SUPER PUMPED for when this shows.
Some of the cast members' voices may not be at par with Alfie Boe's and Lea Salonga's but you can tell the emotion is there and they way they sang it is more realistic IMHO.
I am so ready for this. Until then let me just play the songs on repeat.